Javascript Helper

We provide a javascript helper to generate images url in the frontend. The file is published in public/vendor/folklore/image/image.js. You can simply add the javascript tag in your layout:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('vendor/folklore/image/image.js') }}"></script>

The helper is now available as a LaravelImage global variable. You can use it like this:

const url = LaravelImage.url('path/to/image', 300, 300, {
    rotate: 90,

// or

const url = LaravelImage.url('path/to/image', {
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    rotate: 90,

Npm package

If you prefer, you can use the npm package:

$ npm install laravel-image --save
import LaravelImage from 'laravel-image';

const url = LaravelImage.url('path/to/image', 300, 300, {
    rotate: 90,

// or

import { UrlGenerator } from 'laravel-image';

const urlGenerator = new UrlGenerator({
    // custom pattern options
const url = urlGenerator.make('path/to/image', 300, 300, {
    rotate: 90,